During one plague in Somalia, the locusts devoured enough food to feed 400,000 people for a whole year.’ ‘There can be up to 40 billion locusts in one swarm.‘But in October 1988 a swarm of desert locusts crossed the Atlantic traveling from Africa to the Caribbean.’.‘And even if you have the good luck to be healthy, a swarm of locusts could devour your crops, a tsunami could wash away your family, or a hurricane could blow apart your town.’.‘Here they lead a nomadic life, following the insect swarms which provide their principal diet.’.‘However, the very next day they found a swarm of mature adults very near the surface off Anaa Island.’.‘The Hosta had been ravaged by a swarm of ‘roly-polies,’ or pillbugs.’.‘From schools of fish to a swarm of ants, animals exhibit extraordinary collective behaviour.’.‘Chances are, you've noticed a swarm of these black-and-red insects loitering in sunny spots as the weather turns cool.’.
‘Along the way, we remarked on the strange powdery consistency of the soil and marveled as we were surrounded by a swarm of infinitesimal white insects.’.‘Digital noise reduction causes people's faces and clothes to crawl, as though they were covered by a swarm of small insects.’.‘The visual effect evoked a gentle snowstorm or a swarm of insects, associations which, it must be added, the artist regards as entirely incidental.’.